Connect with our culture of giving.

Lenbrook is a caring community with a culture of giving that affords opportunities to impact Lenbrook Residents, Associates, and the Atlanta community. In keeping with our not-for-profit status, Lenbrook Philanthropy brings together residents, associates, board members, and their families who are deeply committed to philanthropy.

We proudly offer many opportunities to enhance the Lenbrook Difference through contributions in four essential areas: Resident Services, Associate Support, Distinguished Gifts and Projects, and the Lenbrook Unrestricted Fund.

Donations of checks may be made to our on-site Accounting Department. Electronic transfer and credit card donations may be made through the links below or by contacting our Development Office at (404) 233-3000 x2059.

Not-for-profit matters.
Here’s why.

Benefits to Residents

Unlike corporate-run communities, the barometer for Lenbrook’s performance is the quality of service provided to residents — not profits earned for owners or shareholders. That’s why we invest in the lives of residents through quality programs, services, and care. An independent Board of Directors assures that any excess money earned is reinvested back into the programs and services which benefit residents. And, because fees enable priority access to all levels of quality on-site healthcare, a portion of each resident’s Entrance Fee and Monthly Fee could be eligible for a tax deduction as prepaid medical expenses. (Please confer with your tax advisor to determine how this may apply to you, specifically.)

Benefits to Lenbrook

Lenbrook’s 501(c)3 not-for-profit designation produces significant operational savings through exemption from federal income and property taxes. These savings are passed on to our residents. Our not-for-profit status also allows us to fulfill our commitment, under the appropriate circumstances, to ensuring that no resident will be asked to leave Lenbrook solely due to financial hardship resulting from no fault of their own. Additionally, it allows us to support our caring and talented associates as they further their education through the Associate Education Fund and provide assistance during times of crisis through the Associate Hardship Fund.

“Because Lenbrook is a not-for-profit, any money that is made goes back into the community in the form of improvements and additions. And that’s huge. Because no matter how competent the operators of a for-profit community might be, they have shareholders, and they have to look out for their interests.”

—David R., Lenbrook Resident

Support resident services.

Reflecting our residents’ vitality and diverse interests, these funds enable us to provide and enhance compelling programs and projects that directly and positively impact residential life.

Donations may be made in support of:

  • Activities Fund
  • Spiritual Wellness Fund
  • Library Fund
  • Friends of the Arts Fund
  • Resident Projects Fund
  • Resident Benevolence Fund

Support our associates.

More than just staff members, Lenbrook deliberately seeks and employs outstanding associates who are truly members of our community. Donations to these funds ensure that Lenbrook Associates have access to professional training and higher education, and provide financial assistance in the event of an emergency.

Donations may be made in support of:

  • Associate Education Fund
  • Associate Hardship Fund

Support distinguished gifts and projects.

We take great pride in our community and amenities. Donations to these funds ensure our facilities and equipment remain a premier asset for the community.

  • Enrichment Fund
  • Facility Enhancement Fund
  • Infrastructure Fund

Support Lenbrook’s Unrestricted Fund

Gifts to the Unrestricted Fund are allocated, as needed, to support the areas of greatest need within the community. The flexibility of this fund enables Lenbrook to respond with confidence to the community’s most compelling needs — now and in the future.

Join the Clark Society and the Legacy Society.

Donations to any of Lenbrook’s philanthropic funds may be made directly, through a trust or foundation, or as part of a planned giving program. Many donors also take advantage of the opportunity to make named honorable and memorial gifts. Donors who give $10,000 or more will be invited to be members of two of our most esteemed societies: The Clark Society honors current gifts and the Legacy Society honors planned gifts.

How to give

Donations of checks may be made to our on-site Accounting Department. Electronic transfer and credit card donations may be made by clicking the button below. Planned gifts can be made through a charitable bequest, charitable trust, life insurance or retirement asset beneficiary designation, or use of resident refundable entrance fee. For further assistance in donating to any of the funding options or to make a planned gift contact our Development Office at (404) 233-3000 x2059.