Clear Eyes, Caring Hearts, Team Spirit Guide Our Associates
One of the few consistent things I look forward to during this turbulent time is that almost every day I hear from one or more of our residents who want to share their heartfelt appreciation for our associates. They, and I, are in awe of the work our associates are doing in spite of possible feelings of fear, anxiety and frustration. This horrible Coronavirus knows no boundaries and our residents are especially vulnerable. We all understand the potential impact that this virus could have on our community.
The work our associates are doing, combined with Lenbrook’s ongoing commitment to keep our community safe is truly lifesaving. Roles and duties have evolved in order to support our residents’ daily needs and we are all doing our best to safely navigate this time. In countless ways, I see our associates’ flexibility, passion and professionalism positively impacting the community every day.
As a not-for-profit Life Plan Community, our residents support every expenditure we make so it has been heartwarming to see the recent resident-led ‘THANK YOU’ campaign unfold. It is a great example of our residents going above and beyond to express gratitude to associates. One resident’s action inspired the generosity of more than 250 residents and 100% of the management team over a three-week period. The money raised was given to associates as a token of appreciation for all the heart they bring to their everyday work.
I see the passion and professionalism each associate shows so I want to echo the residents’ ‘thank you’ and clearly say…I appreciate every Lenbrook associate! I am grateful for everything each team member does and that every day our associates choose to come to Lenbrook to support us – especially in these unprecedented times when they are balancing work, their personal wellbeing and family needs.
Many have heard me say that I am prouder of our team at Lenbrook than of any other team I have ever been on. I am constantly amazed by the energy, purpose and dedication of each associate as they tackle each workday with clear eyes, caring hearts and abundant team spirit.
I find myself even more impressed than the day before as I watch our team pull together to make certain that we continue to deliver our mission while making Lenbrook the safest place to live and work. I am truly blessed to work with such a helpful, committed and engaged team.
I am thankful to our associates for their gift of service.
Today and every day, the well-being and safety of Lenbrook’s community is our first priority.
For the most up-to-date information about Lenbrook’s COVID-19 efforts, please click here or visit LenbrookAlerts.org.